Front Matter

Editor's Preface and List of Contributors (LDD 2)

  • Peter K. Austin


This volume arises from two one-day workshops held at the School of Oriental and AfricanStudies (SOAS), University of London: one on 22nd November 2003 entitled “Archiving Language Materials” and one on 7th February 2004 entitled “Training and Capacity Building for Endangered Languages Communities”. A companion to this volume is a CD-ROM called “The Disappearing Sounds of the World’s Languages” that contains multimedia materials presented as a public lecture by Professor Peter Ladefoged of the University of California, Los Angeles on 6th February 2004.

The papers for this volume are written up versions of the workshop presentations; plus two invited papers (by Thieberger, presented as a Departmental Seminar at SOAS, and Nathan and Austin, originally presented at the Australian Linguistic Society Annual Conference, University of Sydney, July 2004).

How to Cite:

Austin, P., (2004) “Editor's Preface and List of Contributors (LDD 2)”, Language Documentation and Description 2, 3-8. doi:

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Published on
31 Jul 2004
Peer Reviewed