Research Articles

‘Community’ collaboration in Africa: Experiences from Northwest Cameroon

  • Jeff Good


This paper explores the problem of community collaboration in applied language documentation in Africa, drawing on experiences from a documentation project currently underway in Cameroon. Three points will be highlighted: (i) the fact that outside linguists benefit from the support of a number of distinct communities, all of which are under-resourced and which can be assisted in ways specific to their needs, (ii) the importance of coming to a detailed understanding of the social significance of a given language in its local context in order to discover the most appropriate ways to support its maintenance, and (iii) the extent to which the primary assistance offered to a community should be narrowly ‘linguistic’ in nature.

Keywords: language documentation, endangered languages, community collaboration, Africa, Cameroon, cultural context

How to Cite:

Good, J., (2012) “‘Community’ collaboration in Africa: Experiences from Northwest Cameroon”, Language Documentation and Description 11, 28-58. doi:

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Published on
31 Jul 2012
Peer Reviewed